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Course Reserves

Information for Faculty and Student

How to find Course Reserves? 

Go to Library Catalog (Primo), search by Course Name, Course ID or Course Instructor’s name to find what you need.


How to check out Reserves?  
  • For print version, you will see a call number if the book you search is physically available in our library. Ask a Librarian to borrow the book at Front Desk on 2nd floor directly. Please keep in mind, the physical reserves can only be checked out at the Front Desk during working hours. Click the hyperlink in the red frame to see more details.

  • For digital version, if an e-reserve is available, you will see Available Online under the details of the book. Click it to read it online. The example book below has both physical and digital version.


How long to keep a Reserve Item? 

Course materials have a checkout periods defined by professors. The loan periods can be 3 hours or 24 hours loan. 


Can I renew Reserve Items? 

Reserve material can be renewed, only in person at the library front desk. Items will be renewed as long as the items are not booked for another patron. Items can NOT be renewed online or by phone.


What if the item I need is checked out? 

You may request the item(s) to be booked for a later time. Bookings can be placed, in-person at the Library Front Desk only. You will have 15 minutes to pick up your booked item(s) before it will be canceled and made available for another patron.


Are there overdue fees for Reserves? 

Yes, reserve items accrue overdue fees on an hourly basis. The fees are ¥3 for every hour, or partial hour, thereafter.