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Professional Development Course for RPGs: 2023

Exploring Your Data with R: an Introduction (1.5hrs)

R is a powerful, open source programming language for data analysis. This workshop will help you to write your first R scripts, introduce basic functions and free packages of R for organizing, interpreting and presenting your data. 

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31 March 2023 / 7 April 2023 /14 April 2023

1.5 credit hours will be counted toward the professional development course requirement of PDEV 6770K/L/M/N/S.


Emerging Open Science Tools for Literature Search (1.5hrs)

This workshop will introduce and demonstrate several emerging literature searching tools which are built on open citation data: InCiteful, Connected Papers, scite, and Semantic Scholar. These emerging tools make use of citation relations and/or semantic meaning of the underlying data and suggest relevant works that you probably will not be able to find through traditional keyword searches in databases such as Web of Science and Scopus.

6 March 2023

1.5 credit hours will be counted toward the professional development course requirement of PDEV 6770K/L/M/N/S.


Mining Text with Voyant Tool: an Introduction (1hr)

Voyant tool is a free, web-based, and easy-to-use platform for exploring and analyzing a large amount of unstructured text. This workshop is designed to introduce you with the basic functions of Voyant tool.

10 March 2023 

1 credit hours will be counted toward the professional development course requirement of PDEV 6770K/L/M/N/S.


Citation Database and Google Scholar (1hr)

Citation databases are very important for researchers to search for research articles, journals, authors and institutions, as well as their academic influence, across various disciplines. This lecture will demonstrate different features, metrics and search techniques used in Web of Science, Scopus and Ei, which the library has subscribed, and Google Scholar, the very smart academic search engine. You will also learn to track, evaluate, visualize research impact for a certain author or a specific topic.

14 March 2023 / 21 March 2023 /18 March 2023

1 credit hours will be counted toward the professional development course requirement of PDEV 6770K/L/M/N/S.


Open Access What Where How (1.5hrs)

Making your research work openly accessible is becoming the norm in many disciplines. When you publish a paper with a journal, you have to make decisions relating to open access. Your choices are not only your own preferences, but you may have to comply with certain institutional policies. In this workshop, you will clarify some common but confusing OA terms and practices, for example:

  • What is Green/Gold/Bronze OA? What are Gold/Hybrid OA journals?
  • Where & How do we make works OA? Do we have to pay for it?
  • How do I choose a proper OA license?
  • What OA policies should I know, and how to comply with them?

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17 March 2023

1.5 credit hours will be counted toward the professional development course requirement of PDEV 6770K/L/M/N/S.


Copyright: Creative Commons Licenses (1hr)

What are the rights of various creative common licenses? How to select them when sharing our work, or adapting other people’s work for reuse? We will start this workshop by firstly reviewing the basics in intellectual property and copyright. Then, we will talk about different creative common licenses, including their permissions and restrictions, and the practices in academic settings.

4 April 2023 / 11 April 2023 /18 April 2023

1 credit hours will be counted toward the professional development course requirement of PDEV 6770K/L/M/N/S.