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Tools to Speed up Full-Text Access: Libkey Nomad

 "One-Click Access to Millions of Scholarly Articles."

Getting Started

1、Add LibKey Nomad to your browser (support Chrome, Firefox, Edge, etc.) 

2、Select "Hong Kong University of Science and Technology(Guangzhou)".

How to use LibKey?

Try searching for an article on Google Scholar, a database, or a journal's page. Click the Download button to get the PDF or link to another available version.


Example 1:A journal article's page 


Example 2:A Wikipedia page 


What is LibKey


LibKey Nomad is a browser plugin for that links the HKUST(GZ) library Article Quick Search service to publisher web sites to show when the Library has access to an article.

Once set up LibKey Nomad,you can:

Acquire tons of instant links to full-text content for articles subscribed by the library or open access alternatives,no matter when you are on- or off-campus. 




When you see "Article Link",it means that "the same as the above with the exception that the user will NOT see a PDF, they will see a web page which either has the full text in HTML or also has the PDF, but one more link is required to access it."


When you see"Access Options",it means that "an optional feature which requires the completion of the Access Options form".  If the form is not complete for a library, this option is simply not shown for our users (no button will appear at all). Most commonly, the library's link resolver will be able to be linked here, but we can also support unmediated/mediated document delivery instead, generating a link with the metadata to a specific address, etc. to suit the local institutional preference.

When you click"Access Options",it may pop up:

1、"Check for available services"——means that you can use ILL(Interlibrary Loan) service for this article or send us a purchase request to the library. 

2、"available online"——means that you can see the pdf of this article online.




When you see "Manuscript PDF",it means the article has been found in the form of an Accepted Manuscript in a repository. While the content has been peer-reviewed it is unlikely to be formatted for publishing so may appear as an unformatted Word Document, etc. These documents never require authentication.You could download it directly!