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LibGuides @ HKUST(GZ)

Support Teaching & Learning in your classroom!

What are LibGuides

LibGuides, also known as Library Guides, are a content management and information sharing system used to "curate knowledge and share information by creating online guides on any topic, subject, course, on any process, on anything" (Springshare). 

Explore all HKUST(GZ) LibGuides and find the topic you are interested in. If you would like to have a guide created for a subject/course, or even for a assignment, please contact Subject Librarians at (020)88339240 or email

Why use LibGuides?

The LibGuide platform allows us to:

  • Organize core and relevant resources in your courses/subjects, simply give students the url and they can access 24/7.
  • Integrate the LibGuide into Canvas, students will find all the information easily during the class
  • HKUST(GZ) Librarians can help and work with instructors to make LibGuides. There are 2 main types of LibGuides:
Subject Guides - "Artificial Intelligence" is an example of a subject guide. It provides information for anyone who are interested in AI.
Course Guides - an example of a course Libguides which is specifically designed for the course CHEM 4689 Capstone Project in Clear Water Bay Campus.
  • Teaches at the point-of-need to readers.
  • Allows readers to focus on the relevant and sift out the less relevant.
  • Information is chunked and resources presented in a linear, intuitive fashion.
  • Readers can access from dorms, from home, and from anywhere in the world, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • Visually demonstrates that there are great resources, in multiple formats, on even the most difficult topic. That reassurance builds the confidence of students who need to get started on their research.

Special Features of LibGuides

  • Enter any type of formatted text (including html), links, or dynamic javascript code. You can also embed custom scripts, iFrame, etc.
  • Easily Embedded Multimedia to make guides more attractive and useful
  • Highlight book or ebook titles from the Library Catalog that students will use in the class, Images of book covers can also be included
  • Allows uploading files to your guide. Each file can have a short description
  • Allows to create a short poll on your page. Each poll has a url and you can view real-time results.

Possible content in a LibGuide

Information Literacy                                                            

Students need to develop information literacy skills during the course study. HKUST(GZ) Library’s Research and Learning Support team could launch a set of course-related learning materials (e.g. LibGuides) to enable students to:

  • Ask good research questions;​
  • Identify what information or data they want to find to help answer those questions;​
  • Use appropriate search tools and methods  to seek useful and valid information and data;​
  • Evaluate what they find prudently; select and then;​
  • Use it effectively and ethically to create new information, data, knowledge, insights, or wisdom.

Academic Writing                                                                

Writing well takes time, thought, and a lot of practice. Library can help to offer online books, handouts, and other sources/tools related to academic writing for the course assignments and work. For example, the Latex Libguides for RPGs and LANG 5072 English Writing Academic Writing on Chinese Culture in Clear Water Bay Campus.