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New / Trial Databases

The following databases are newly acquired or being evaluated for a future subscription.
Annual Reviews cover 46 different disciplines in the fields of biomedical sciences, natural sciences, agriculture, social sciences, and economics. Annual Reviews invites the most authoritative and leading scientists in each discipline to write review articles, summarizing the cutting-edge advancements in their fields and providing directional guidance for scientific research.
De Gruyter and Ivy League University Press eBooks includes 80,000+ eBooks by more than 30 publishing partners across the entire spectrum of social science, science and technology.
Academic Search Complete (ASC) provides access to over 19,700 journals with abstracts and indexes, including about 8,900 full-text journals, with more than 7,800 of them being peer-reviewed. In addition, ASC also provides access to about 800 full-text publications such as books, monographs, conference proceedings, encyclopedias, and reports. In ASC, about 2,600 full-text journals are indexed in Web of Science, and over 4,800 in Scopus. The subject covers almost every research area, such as biological sciences, engineering technology, social sciences, psychology, education, law, medicine, linguistics, humanities, information technology, communication, public administration, history, computer science, military, culture, health and medical sciences, philosophy, arts, visual communication, performing arts, philosophy, literature from various countries, etc.
Business Source Complete (BSC) works for your students like a solid business plan – it offers an unprecedented wealth of peer-reviewed, full-text journals and other resources that provide historical information and current trends in business that spark discussion on future developments and changes in the business world. Subject covers marketing, management, management information systems (MIS), production and operations management (POM), accounting, finance, economics, etc. It currently includes over 7,700 journals with abstracts and indexes, with more than 3,800 full-text journals, of which about 1,900 of them being peer-reviewed. Over 530 full-text journals are indexed in Web of Science. In addition, BSC also includes the following non-journal full-text resources: over 600 books and monographs, 15000+ company profiles, over 1,100 national economic reports, over 8,700 industry reports, over 2,300 market research reports, over 5,600 SWOT analyses, etc.
Alternate Name(s) Essential Science Indicators ESI
Essential Science Indicators (ESI) is an analytical tool that helps you identify top-performing research in Web of Science Core Collection. ESI surveys more than 11,000 journals from around the world to rank authors, institutions, countries, and journals in 22 broad fields based on publication and citation performance. Data covers a rolling 10-year period and includes bimonthly updates to rankings and citation counts.
Alternate Name(s) Global Science Press Journals
GSP aims to publish the state-of-the-art research, to provide the most professional platform for scientists to contribute their latest discoveries, and to connect scientists globally in the areas of, but not limited to mathematics, chemistry, physics & computational sciences.
Alternate Name(s) Institution of Engineering and Technology ebooks
IET eBooks aim to review the current state-of-the-art in hot topics in engineering and technology research including contributions from leading experts with a global perspective. Topics that IETcover include: Control, Robotics and Sensors, Electromagnetic Waves, Energy Engineering, Healthcare Technologies, Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) and Cybersecurity, Materials, Circuits and Devices. Radar, Sonar and Navigation,Transportation.
Alternate Name(s) InCites Benchmarking & Analytics
InCites is an online research benchmarking tool from Clarivate which enables use of Web of Science data to provide information on institutional research performance, including institutional productivity, collaborative activity, key areas of research, influential researchers, and discovering areas of opportunity. User will need to register for a personal account or log in with an existing Clarivate account to use InCites.
The Journal of Neuroscience is an official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (SfN). It is a transdisciplinary journal. Its contents are from a broad field including (but not limited to) molecular, cellular, developmental, systems, behavioral, cognitive, computational, integrative, translational, and clinical neuroscience.
McGraw Hill is a leading educational publisher recognized for its extensive range of textbooks and learning materials across various fields, including mathematics, science, humanities, and professional development. Established in 1888, McGraw Hill has a rich history of innovation in education, focusing on delivering high-quality, evidence-based resources that enhance teaching and learning experiences. Each electronic book can be used for 40 days after download.
MIT Press Direct brings cutting-edge research from more than 40 leading journals in the arts and humanities, social sciences, and science and technology to a global audience. Leonardo, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, The Review of Economics and Statistics are available to access.
Overleaf is designed to make the process of writing, editing and producing your research papers and project reports much quicker for both you and your collaborators. Overleaf can also be linked to other services to best fit into your workflow. You'll need to link your account to your Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) single sign-on.
The Oxford Handbooks Online (OHO) published by Oxford University Press includes articles written by prominent scholars, discussing important cutting-edge topics and viewpoints, and providing unique arguments for the potential future directions of these perspectives. Physical Sciences, Business and Management, Neuroscience, Psychology, Economics and Finance are available.
Primo Research Assistant is an AI-powered tool designed to simplify research. It allows users to ask questions in natural language and creates an overview by extracting pertinent information from five relevant articles. It provides references to the sources, as well as more results and research questions for further exploration. The service provider’s AI policy can be found at
As the tool is in beta, the service provider is continuously fixing some known issues and enhancing its features. Comments on the tool are welcome. Please share them with us at
Scite is an award-winning platform built on the world's largest citation statement database. It analyzed 1.2 billion citations from 200 million sources to create Smart Citations, which provide context and classify citations as supporting or contrasting evidence. This database also powers AI chatbot, Assistant, and literature search engine.
SpringerProtocols is an invaluable resource for the modern research laboratory, having the largest number of biomedical and life sciences protocols so researchers can find the right protocol for their lab set-up, without the need to compromise or find work-arounds.
Alternate Name(s) TRC
TRC provides a wealth of teaching resources centered around high-quality textbooks from Cengage, including student books, teacher manuals, teaching PPTs, question banks and solutions, classroom activity materials, extended reading materials, and lab manuals. Student books can be accessed online directly through the campus network without the need for account registration. The supplementary resources are accessible only to teachers, who must register an account and fill out an online form to apply for access.
Wiley Press is a prominent academic publisher known for producing high-quality textbooks and educational resources across various disciplines, including science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM), business, and social sciences. Their textbooks often incorporate the latest research, practical applications, and interactive content, making them valuable tools for both teaching and self-study. Each electronic book can be used for 40 days after download.
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